Kal Ho Na Ho (There may or may not be a tomorrow)... Purpose: To simply hone my writing skills, discuss random matters, get feedback from interesting people, and keep track of life. If there are ANY questions, suggestions (think helpful or productive), opposing opinions or such feelings, feel FREE to comment. As the title states, it's all about living, learning, and loving. All contents Copyright 2006.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Not ALL rich people are greedy...

Well, well. Here's proof that not all rich people spend their money on unnecessary materials. Nope. Not all rich people are Paris Hilton. No, not all rich people waste their wealth on lavish parties and thousands of dollars worth of articles of clothing. Some people are different. And thank God for that.

From left: Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett.
"I'm not an enthusiast for dynastic wealth, especially when the alternative is six billion people much poorer (than we are) having a chance to benefit from the money."
-Warren Buffett.

The second richest man in the world has chosen to donate most of his money to charity. The majority of the donations will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) charity foundations in the world. The reason he chose to donate to the Gates Foundation rather than distribute the wealth himself was because he felt that he was not well prepared to distribute the wealth in fundamental areas and issues, whereas the Gates Foundation is well known for their infrastructure and various fields and issues of development. Basically, the issue was of efficiency and that of well-acquaintance with the needs of the world- matters which the Gates Foundation has a good infrastructure for. The complete article is available at CNN.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when nibiru comes into our solar system in 2012, the playing field will be leveled. Money will become meaningless to all.

9:47 PM


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